Friday, March 18, 2016


A Serendipitous Afternoon...
On this SERENDIPITOUS afternoon while crossing the garden in Tuscany where I am currently, I met a husband and wife from the country I plan to visit next on my journey.  "A serendipitous moment happens by accident, usually when you’re doing something completely unrelated..." (according to I don't agree with the idea that it is an accidental happening, I believe that if it happened it was totally on PURPOSE in the NOW!  I believe that if anything happens it is because it is meant to happen for some reason and I CHOOSE to believe for some GOOD reason! It's all in your "state of mind"... and there are a myriad of CHOICES in the LIMITLESS Universe from which to CHOOSE.

Therefore CHOOSE only the BEST in your THOUGHTS and WORDS,  as they will come round to greet you at some point in the timeless NOW! 

I just love the delicious word SERENDIPITY, recalling the restaurant in New York City and the delightful movie by the same name, which of course has a scene in the very restaurant... how serendipitous! 

Anyway, back to Xavier and Belen the couple I met who were standing outside the gate to the Villa as I was crossing. I spoke to them as they approached the gate inquiring about the B&B Villa Rignana.  I was allowed to show them the grounds, but not inside as it is not open yet for the season.  We chatted as we strolled, they are absolutely LOVELY and would be delighted if I did visit their country, Spain! I had been pondering Spain as my next travel destination and made inquiries for work exchange  there several months ago, but it was not the right moment yet.  I generally like to know at least someone in the new country I am to visit, so in this case it was an INTENTIONAL serendipitous moment given to me by the UNIVERSE, especially since I was way up in the countryside far, far away from the city of Firenze!

Richelle D. Jones...  Life Coach for 'Leading Edge Thought'

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