Thursday, March 31, 2016


Amazing Moments in the Abundant Life... NOW!
In the NEW LIFE in JESUS CHRIST!  I cannot even begin to tell you all how GRATEFUL I am for these past months of travelling and truly ENJOYING the OMNIPRESENCE, OMNISCIENCE and OMNIPOTENCE of our LORD on my journey. This journey that I had no preconceived idea as to HOW it would unfold, however by the GRACE of GOD it has MIRACULOUSLY!

My dear friend Heather in New York City I have been in touch with along the way (via communication from my laptop as I literally travel WITHOUT the distraction of a cell phone) shared with me a button she wears "EXPECT A MIRACLE!", and I DO!  During this time I truly got to experience the POWER of NOW! Thank you again Eckhart Tolle for your BRILLIANT book of the same name... I urge everyone to read and re-read, practice, practice and PRACTICE the EXTRAORDINARY POWER of NOW!  My copy of the book travels with me and is read and practiced again and again.

"To make the journey into The Power of Now you need to leave your analytical mind and its false created self, the ego, behind. Access to the Now is everywhere - in the body, the silence, and the space all around you. These are the keys to enter a state of inner peace. They can be used to bring you into the Now, the present moment, where problems do not exist. It is here you find your joy and are able to embrace your true self. It is here you discover that you are already complete and perfect.
Although the journey is challenging, Eckhart Tolle offers simple language in a question and answer format. The words themselves are the signposts to guide you on your journey. There are new discoveries to be made along the way: you are not your mind, you can find your way out of psychological pain, authentic human power is found by surrendering to the Now. When you become fully present and accepting of what is, you open yourself to the transforming experience of The Power of Now."  Publishers Summary of the POWER of NOW 
Today, March 31, 2016 marks the completion of 3 months of writing and publishing (via this BLOG) posts along my journey beginning January 6th on the Day of Epiphany when I receive an EPIPHANY to begin this writing and photography project, and I am encouraged to continue it to completion December 31st, 2016... I am EXCITED! 
I encourage you ALL to begin your journey into the NOW and experience the most AMAZING MOMENTS in the ABUNDANT LIFE... of YOUR life!
Richelle D. Jones...  Life Coach for 'Leading Edge Thought'                                        

Wednesday, March 30, 2016


Code of Silence...
IDIOM Break a leg! It takes two to tango... those colorful figures of speech that play with language and take on a meaning of their own. 

CODE OF SILENCE is such one of those idioms that is prevalent in our society.  Language in a way is also a kind code of silence to the one who does not understand what another is saying in a different language.  They can actually be speaking about you right in front of your face but you have no idea what they are saying.  I experienced this while travelling quite a bit, which really came to be uncomfortable, annoying and exhausting. I decided to FORGIVE the THOUGHT that created the experience and the feelings began to DISSOLVE into the nothingness from which they came!

"The practice of not disclosing important or vital information by members of a group, as due to the threat of violence, reprisal, being branded as a traitor, or an inherent sense of honor."    

I learned from this experience to make every effort possible to INCLUDE others by showing EMPATHY to those who do not understand English, so they will at best feel my ENERGY of GOODWILL toward them.  Being on the other side made me sensitive to this issue and realize how much we separate ourselves by our THOUGHTS, WORDS and ACTIONS from one another.

REMEMBER when you encounter such ill will "Be KIND and COMPASSIONATE to one another, FORGIVING each other, just as in CHRIST GOD FORGAVE you." Ephesians 4:32

Richelle D. Jones...  Life Coach for 'Leading Edge Thought'

Tuesday, March 29, 2016


Nor by our Cleverness...


I want to thank a cleaning woman I encountered on the day before I leave Rome for the INSPIRATION of this post and I wish her well.  Mankind is poor because of his "poor state of mind and disposition" his THOUGHTS and every WORD he thinks and/or speaks to himself first, then to others.  THIS DOES NOT MATTER HOW MUCH OR LITTLE STUFF HE HAS! The STUFF is IMMATERIAL and to quote a play title 'You Can't Take It With You', makes it matter even less. Mankind WRAPS himself in stuff and surroundings in an INSANE attempt to be different or set himself apart from others they deem to not be worthy... I guess?!!   "as it is written, THERE IS NONE RIGHTEOUS, NOT EVEN ONE; THERE IS NONE WHO UNDERSTANDS, THERE IS NONE WHO SEEKS FOR GOD…" Romans 3:10-11

The MISFORTUNES of mankind: "poor state of mind and disposition"  is what keeps him mired in the situations, conditions and circumstances of his life experiences.  IT IS NOT THE FAULT OF GOVERNMENT, OTHER PEOPLE, THE ECONOMY, THE LACK OR ABUNDANCE OF MONEY and OTHER STUFF... THESE ARE ALL LIES!  'THOUGHTS ARE THINGS'... PERIOD!

I believe GOOD is in every situation, circumstance and condition, you simply must LOOK for it, dig deep and deeper.  When you are DETERMINED to find it you will.  "...SEEK and YOU WILL FIND, KNOCK and it SHALL BE OPENED UNTO YOU..."  Matthew 7-8 

Richelle D. Jones...  Life Coach for 'Leading Edge Thought'

Monday, March 28, 2016


Wait in the Dark Until the Light Comes...
As a matter of fact the darkness will give way to the LIGHT, just as the night passes away before the dawn.  When you enter a dark place you "switch" on the light. You simply switch from the dark THOUGHTS to the LIGHT THOUGHTS... LIGHT UP YOUR MIND, BODY, HEART & SOUL WITH YOUR THOUGHTS!

"THE DARK MUST ALWAYS GIVE WAY TO THE LIGHT BECAUSE IT HAS NO POWER TO EXTINGUISH IT."  I'm not saying the it is easy to do this... IT IS NOT, but to quote Mae West “I never said it would be easy, I only said it would be worth it.” ― Mae West

Be in your "dark space" it is only temporary... "this too shall pass".  On the first day of the 9th month into my journey I was in a very dark space, literally, and the thing is the place where I was was very BEAUTIFUL, but it was the ENERGY of the inhabitants that was dark and I could sense it. Ironically the culmination of this experience was the day after the CRUCIFIXION and the day before the RESURRECTION.  I experienced my own "GETHSEMANE" in the garden of my Soul, it is also interesting that I was working in the garden at that place "weeding".  I experienced what I thought was "separation" from my CREATOR, and all I wished to do was to leave that place mentally, physically and Spiritually.  This experience made NO sense to me at all, but I CHOSE to REMEMBER that GOD IS ALWAYS WITH ME AS THE LIGHT IN ALL OF THE DARK PLACES I MAY FIND MYSELF... and HE IS!  NO, it was NOT easy, but it was WORTH it.  I did leave that place mentally, physically and Spiritually in the "dark" and woke up mentally, physically and Spiritually in the GLORIOUS LIGHT on EASTER morning in a new city... in the city of Rome!

Everyone and everything is a CHARACTER in the story-telling of your life, and you in theirs.  LIFE is a GLORIOUS story-telling about the many, many experiences of our lives.  LIVE, LOVE & TELL THE STORY OF YOUR LIFE!  I woke up on EASTER MORNING with a new story in my mind: the ABUNDANT LIFE of JESUS CHRIST for me.


Richelle D. Jones...  Life Coach for 'Leading Edge Thought'

Sunday, March 27, 2016


Easter Eggs, Confections & Easter...
What do EASTER EGGS  and CONFECTIONS of all kinds have to do with EASTER?

I am very GRATEFUL for JESUS bearing the CROSS of mankind to show me how to BEAR MY OWN CROSS.

As I look back over my life experiences to date, they are nothing compared to what Jesus did for mankind.  I ACCEPT HIS GIFT and PATIENTLY ACCEPT my cross.  This past Thursday, Maundy Thursday I somehow tweaked my back and experienced excruciating pain.  I have been practicing just being with whatever the situation, circumstance or condition is, and be open to the PURPOSE of whatever it is.  The CROSS that Jesus bore came to mind so I meditated on that, taking my mind off the physical pain and FORGIVING my "thought of pain".  On Friday morning the pain had subsided and I was back out in the garden weeding and giving thanks!

Jesus, the WORD of GOD was FORGIVEN for our sin that HE bore on the CROSS.  THE WORD IS FORGIVEN... therefore we must FORGIVE our THOUGHTS and BELIEFS (which are a collection of WORDS), as well as those of others  in order for us to be FORGIVEN.

"And FORGIVE us our debts (sins), as we also have FORGIVEN our debtors (their sins)." Matthew 6:12

I BELIEVE Easter eggs and confections can be a SWEETENER, a WAY for you and me to come to the TRUE meaning of EASTER.  Some of us were taught as children to BELIEVE in the "Easter Bunny" bearing "Easter eggs and confections of all kinds", I know for myself that led me to question "What does any of that have to do with Easter?", which led me to JESUS BEARING OUR SIN!


xoxo, Richelle from Rome, Italy on Easter morning!

Richelle D. Jones...  Life Coach for 'Leading Edge Thought'

Saturday, March 26, 2016


JESUS was going to go through the greatest METAMORPHOSIS the history of the world had ever known... and will ever know.  This is Saturday, the day after the CRUCIFIXION  and the  day before the GLORIOUS EASTER CELEBRATING the RESURRECTION of JESUS CHRIST  from the dead.
The whole world is SILENT... awaiting its RESURRECTION.

METAMORPHOSIS... "change of physical form, structure, or substance especially by supernatural means."

"BE STILL and KNOW that I AM GOD." Psalm 46:10

Richelle D. Jones...  Life Coach for 'Leading Edge Thought'

Friday, March 25, 2016


As Above... So Below!
As within... So without, a Reflection on LIFE. Nothing "below" is necessary to that "above" and everything "above" is ABSOLUTE to that "below".

As I look at myself in the mirror I realize that it is not who I AM... it is a REFLECTION.  I can ONLY see a reflection of myself, a mask I wear with costumes in various settings on the GRAND stage of LIFE, acting out the role created with me in mind in the BEGINNING by the CREATOR.

At some point however I began to "AD LIB", what does this even mean?  My guess to look at it, it could mean "add liberally".  Now that my computer is back online I looked it up and I'm not that far off.

"Ad-lib is used to describe individual moments during live theatre when an actor speaks through their character using words not found in the play's text."

Like the "actor who speaks through their character using words not found in the play's text" in live theatre, I too began to speak my own words and not the WORD of my CREATOR.  I got off track, lost and failed miserably in my life experiences in an attempt to write my own script, when there was already one PERFECTLY scripted for me.  Thank GOD for "call backs", and this time I am honoring my CREATOR and following the direction of my "DIRECTOR" and "PRODUCER",

GLORIOUS GOOD FRIDAY the beginning of second chances in LIFE!

Richelle D. Jones...  Life Coach for 'Leading Edge Thought'

Thursday, March 24, 2016


"There is a river..."
EVERYTHING has it's GENESIS in MIND... EVERYTHING!  The SEED is THOUGHT... what "seeds" are you planting in the RICH soil of your mind?  Pause and ponder this...

The GRAND display of the UNIVERSE is a MANIFESTATION of the CREATOR, the ESSENCE of ALL there is!  My eyes behold the MAGNIFICENCE of NATURE that the ALMIGHTY created and I am silent before it allowing it to inhabit my mind, body, heart and Soul.  

MEDITATE on the BEAUTY, ABUNDANCE and BOUNDLESS ENERGY that is ALL around you and it will inhabit your mind, body, heart and Soul as well... as always your CHOICE!

JOYous MAUNDY THURSDAY also known as HOLY THURSDAY, as we await the unfolding RICHES in GLORY of this RESURRECTION season!

"There is a river whose streams make GLAD the city of GOD, the HOLY habitation of the MOST HIGH."  Psalm 46:4

Richelle D. Jones...  Life Coach for 'Leading Edge Thought'

Wednesday, March 23, 2016


Right Place at the Right Time...
There is this prevailing BELIEF that it is LUCK to be in the "RIGHT PLACE at the RIGHT TIME".

There is NO TIME but NOW and it is TIMELESS: the TIMELESS NOW, RIGHT NOW, THIS MOMENT.  You by your own CHOICE call it "right" or "wrong" and it will be to you what you CHOOSE to BELIEVE.  It does not matter what others believe, that is between them and their choice.  Therefore the "right time" is NOW and wherever you are at that "time"  is the "right place", because that is where you are. IT JUST IS, it does not need to be defined.

YOU CANNOT BUT BE OTHER THAN WHERE YOU ARE... NOW, and according to your own THOUGHT "right" or "wrong".

No matter what your situation, circumstance or condition, trying to change it without ACCEPTING or OWNING it is FUTILE, because you cannot change what you do not accept or own.  Be where you are and KNOW the PURPOSE of it in order to take the NEXT STEP.  The present step is ALWAYS the PREPARATION for the MOMENTUM of the next step and ALL the steps to follow...REPEAT step by step.  

Even if where you are is "good" ACCEPT and OWN it and prepare for the next step which may or may not be so "good", as you define it... IT JUST IS WHAT IT IS.  So called "difficult" situations, circumstances and conditions are thought to be negative, but this belief will keep you from your BREAKTHROUGH, as they are in themselves neither "good" or "difficult".

Go within your mind and FORGIVE YOUR THOUGHT, which is a collection of WORDS you CHOOSE to THINK... one at a time.

ALL situations, circumstances and conditions are a MANIFESTATION of THOUGHT and in your mind: RIGHT PLACE at the RIGHT TIME IS... RIGHT NOW!

Richelle D. Jones...  Life Coach for 'Leading Edge Thought'

Tuesday, March 22, 2016


Weeding the Garden...
I am on a work exchange for a few weeks in Tuscany and one of the chores is to WEED the flower garden right outside the Villa's gate.

The first day the ground was hard, so I weeded as much as I could, the next day it rained and today as I resumed the chore the rain had softened the ground allowing the resistant weeds to LET GO!  I liken this to the resistance within our minds to LETTING GO of that which no longer serves us.  Some of the "weeds" attempt to disguise themselves as "pretty little yellow flowers", again very much like the resistant THOUGHTS in our minds.  I found that my PERSPECTIVE on weeding had shifted as I gave thanks to GOD for the rain that made the "weeding" easier, and for the desire to someday have a garden of my own to weed, nurture, water and watch blossom.  I now see this experience as PREPARATION for even GREATER experiences to come!

As I look at the chore of "weeding" Spiritual aspects occur to me, one being DISCIPLESHIP.  I am on a Spiritual Journey.  I did not begin this journey with this intent in mind, however somewhere along the way the direction turned inward and I followed... reluctantly at first I must CONFESS. Weeding is necessary for the HEALTH and BEAUTY of the garden, it can also be therapeutic to the SOUL and an occasion to be alone with oneself and the MASTER GARDENER.

DISCIPLINED disciples "WEED the GARDEN" and follow certain practices that assist them in doing so:

      *  Spending quality time with the GARDENER
      *  Spending quality time with oneself in disciplined MEDITATION and SILENCE
      *  Discipline oneself to FOLLOW the GARDENER

It is interesting that in the beginning man was placed in a garden by the MASTER GARDENER: the GARDEN of EDEN, also known as the GARDEN OF GOD, and then Jesus experiences His AGONY in the GARDEN OF GETHSEMANE: "Jesus pleads in the Garden, "Father, is there no other way?" He cries out, he searches, he asks. And then he surrenders afresh: "Not my will, but yours."4 Not my desire to avoid desolation, and sin, and corruption, but your difficult and only way to save the people we both love. Jesus models for us disciples what it means to follow." excerpt from 'The Embarrassment of Gethsemane' by Dr. Ralph F. Wilson 

"Now I know why I resisted my soul’s flowering for so long: The ego’s fear of retribution for being different is a soul-killer! We feel so much safer conforming to the wishes of authority figures than challenging them. Don’t we learn the importance of obedience as children?  But there comes a time in the life of every individual when we need to grow up, develop our own authority, find our own voice, and speak and act from our Soul’s truths. When that time comes, it’s up to our ego to enter the Soul’s garden, take off our mask, have a look around, and start weeding." excerpt from 'Weeding the Soul's Garden' by Jean Raffa  

GO OUT and WEED... Spiritually and physically & see how your GARDEN grows!

Richelle D. Jones...  Life Coach for 'Leading Edge Thought'

Monday, March 21, 2016


GOD... You Alone are in Control!
Whatever YOU say IS SO... and whatever "they" say I LET GO!  

I just jumped out of bed grabbing my camera to capture the BEAUTY, MAGNIFICENCE and GLORIOUS portrait of nature that ONLY YOU LORD GOD can create! Thank YOU for sharing it with me in this place where I am in the MAJESTIC rolling hills of Tuscany... I am so very BLESSED, Thank YOU!

I am BLESSED in that I can "see" GOD.  Can you see what I see? That NO man can create such GRANDEUR... THERE MUST BE A PRESENCE THAT CAN and DOES... all the time.  This PRESENCE must be in absolute, complete CONTROL even when it appears that it is not.  IF something can "appear" to be something, it can also "dis-appear" to be nothing.  The "ebb" is the appearance and the "flow" is the dis-appearance.


Richelle D. Jones...  Life Coach for 'Leading Edge Thought'

Sunday, March 20, 2016


I'd Like to Teach the World to Think...
I am a fan of the song 'I'd Like to Teach the World to Sing'... in Perfect HARMONY.

The world's people need to LEARN how to THINK.  As with the origins of the song, which did not begin as a song, but as a jingle for a product: Coca-Cola, then later became a full-length song and a "hit record" in the United States and the UK, so the origins of mankind began from "SOMETHING MUCH GREATER" than himself and each man can become a "hit" within himself.

MOST people FOLLOW the word of another and are quick to quote that word or some statistic rather than to dig deep and deeper into themselves to KNOW THE TRUTH.  IT IS THERE, you just have to "seek".  The KINGDOM of HEAVEN which is NOT a place but a "state of mind" that when sought will give you the HEAVENLY PEACE I believe we ALL would like.  This seeking and heaven are NOT limited to any particular religion, it is merely something you do and you will have, respectively.

IMAGINE, if EVERYONE expressed their own unique INNER CODE only they could possibly THINK and BELIEVE there is space enough for each one to exist... THINK ABOUT THIS.

This is the 1st day of Holy Week, Jesus TRIUMPHANTLY journeyed to Jerusalem in order to FULFILL the WORD of GOD.  I pray to be attentive to the HOLY SPIRIT which Jesus PROMISED and DELIVERED to ALL those who BELIEVE.

I BELIEVE, I COMMIT MYSELF WHOLLY to the SPIRIT within and the FULFILLMENT of its WILL, PLAN & PURPOSE in my mind, heart and THOUGHT.

Saturday, March 19, 2016


The Problem, The Solution & Transition...
I believe the PROBLEM is MOST people, including myself, have and/or are trying to fit into a MOLD created by "them" or "they" WHOEVER "them" or "they" are

The SOLUTION is quite SIMPLE, to quote several "others" that have already addressed this issue and I totally agree:

“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind.” 
Bernard M. Baruch

“Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.” 
Oscar Wilde


“If you end up with a boring miserable life because you listened to your mom, your dad, your teacher, your priest, or some guy on television telling you how to do your shit, then you deserve it.” 
Frank Zappa

I am on a "journey" coming up to 8 months, March 25th travelling from New York City to Canada, France, Germany and now currently in Italy.  Throughout my "journey" I have met and encountered many "others": people, cultures, languages, cityscapes, landscapes, beliefs and how-to's.  I have also met and encountered my INNER SELF, the one I believe I am meant to BE!  It was a struggle to let go of who I THOUGHT I was and to PATIENTLY ACCEPT who I am.

I am still in TRANSITION, but I would rather travel this "journey" ALONE, than to "be like" someone else... WHO IS NOT ME!

Richelle D. Jones...  Life Coach for 'Leading Edge Thought'

Friday, March 18, 2016


A Serendipitous Afternoon...
On this SERENDIPITOUS afternoon while crossing the garden in Tuscany where I am currently, I met a husband and wife from the country I plan to visit next on my journey.  "A serendipitous moment happens by accident, usually when you’re doing something completely unrelated..." (according to I don't agree with the idea that it is an accidental happening, I believe that if it happened it was totally on PURPOSE in the NOW!  I believe that if anything happens it is because it is meant to happen for some reason and I CHOOSE to believe for some GOOD reason! It's all in your "state of mind"... and there are a myriad of CHOICES in the LIMITLESS Universe from which to CHOOSE.

Therefore CHOOSE only the BEST in your THOUGHTS and WORDS,  as they will come round to greet you at some point in the timeless NOW! 

I just love the delicious word SERENDIPITY, recalling the restaurant in New York City and the delightful movie by the same name, which of course has a scene in the very restaurant... how serendipitous! 

Anyway, back to Xavier and Belen the couple I met who were standing outside the gate to the Villa as I was crossing. I spoke to them as they approached the gate inquiring about the B&B Villa Rignana.  I was allowed to show them the grounds, but not inside as it is not open yet for the season.  We chatted as we strolled, they are absolutely LOVELY and would be delighted if I did visit their country, Spain! I had been pondering Spain as my next travel destination and made inquiries for work exchange  there several months ago, but it was not the right moment yet.  I generally like to know at least someone in the new country I am to visit, so in this case it was an INTENTIONAL serendipitous moment given to me by the UNIVERSE, especially since I was way up in the countryside far, far away from the city of Firenze!

Richelle D. Jones...  Life Coach for 'Leading Edge Thought'

Thursday, March 17, 2016


Your Best Self  Now...

There is so much FOCUS on the OUTER SELF: the perfect body, education and higher education, job and better job, money and more money, things and more things.  The depression, decline and destruction that visits this OUTER SELF comes about due to the dismissiveness of the INNER SELF.

The INNER SELF MUST BE CULTIVATED & ALLOWED TO MANIFEST IN THE OUTER SELF for it to survive and NOT just through feeding it OUTER FOOD!  "Man shall NOT live on bread alone..." Matthew 4:4

I have been purging my email boxes recently, a sort of "cyber Spring cleaning", letting go  of that which no longer serves me.  My computer was also experiencing the same malaise ie.of depression, decline and potential destruction that visits ALL manifested form at some point.  LETTING GO of over 90,000 emails and relocating thousands of my photos from my computer to my external hard drive actually allowed the computer to work with more efficiency and speed... AMAZING how that works!

“As above, so below, as within, so without, as the universe, so the soul…”  Hermes Trismegistus

Wednesday, March 16, 2016


Opulence, Beauty & Solitude...
DO NOT put your trust in electronics of any kind in this TECH AGE that we are experiencing as the www (World Wide Web) turns... they will eventually disappoint especially when you least expect it and in a most inconvenient way. DEADLINE forget it!

I am travelling in foreign lands and dealing with electronics (at least for me) are challenging enough as it is in my own language. Anyway my computer put me in a position to take a 3 day break from the stress of communication through email, google hangout or phone, and meeting my own self imposed blog posting deadline.  I use my cell phone for the time and camera when my Nikon camera battery needs a charge, but it also took a step back in time to January 1st at 1:01.

Without electronics I was given the OPPORTUNITY of being in the NOW, take a break and experience the OPULENCE, BEAUTY & SOLITUDE that is ALL around me in the MAGNIFICENT country of Italy where I am currently.  I blamed a slow wifi connection, when in fact it was my computer overloaded with emails, unreadable file records and far too many photographs for it to process well.  This was a reflection of what was going on within my mind, revealed to me by the HOLY SPIRIT.  I PATIENTLY ACCEPTED the break I was being offered and allowed the computer and my "state of mind" to be restored.  The ironic thing is NOTHING changed in the disappointment but it did in the opportunity of... NOW.

Richelle D. Jones...  Life Coach for 'Leading Edge Thought'

Tuesday, March 15, 2016


The Wilderness & The Promised Land...
Travelling to the NEXT place in your journey is the PROMISED LAND.  It has already be GIVEN... it is PROMISED by the CREATOR of ALL!

The WILDERNESS is the life experience lived in this world. The PROMISED LAND is the ABUNDANT LIFE PROMISED to those who pass the testing in the world, the wilderness. This is NOT the testing done by one man to another, as NO man can truly test another "test NOT that you be not tested... for IF you test another YOU WILL BE TESTED".  Does this sound familiar or similar to something you might possibly have read or heard before NOW?  "Judge NOT that you be not judged..." Matthew 7:1. DO NOT judge another's journey or testing, you do not know the purpose. FOCUS on your own journey, testing and purpose.

As you keep moving on your journey the way is revealed when you listen and follow the direction given through your INNER SELF.  You do not need to look to another for your direction in the wilderness, they do not know.  The inner self is ONE with the CREATOR and if sought there you will KNOW each step to take out of the wilderness to your PROMISE LAND.

Monday, March 14, 2016


Where to Next?
Again, I am at a CROSSROAD in my life experience... in LIFE with NO idea as to where to next.

This position is in NO way, shape or form comfortable!  Of course in LIFE there are so many options, but what exactly is the RIGHT answer?!!

Where I am right now I must leave because someone else is coming and where I am suppose to go I am not certain. The person on that end does not seem certain and does not want to make a commitment either... SO I WAIT. No one owes me anything and I can not depend on them.  I am in a position to ONLY DEPEND ON GOD, TRUST and to FOLLOW HIM...

BE STILL and KNOW that I AM GOD! Psalm 46:10

Sunday, March 13, 2016


The Invisible Kingdom Come...
The KINGDOM of GOD is within. The SPIRIT, which is INVISIBLE, of GOD within the VISIBLE IS the Kingdom... they are ONE in the same.

"...for the KINGDOM of GOD is not eating and drinking, but Righteousness and Peace and Joy in the HOLY SPIRIT."  Romans 14:17

... the Invisible Kingdom Come IS YOU and ME!

Richelle D. Jones...  Life Coach for 'Leading Edge Thought'