Sunday, February 21, 2016


New Order Bohemian Society
What a good night of rest can do for one's energy, creativity and synchronicity... at least, that's what I experience.  Sometimes I experience "delays" or incidents that seem to either slow me down or distract me like a little glitch then it passes. When this occurs I intentionally pay attention to what happens later that could be "synchronistic" in nature and the purpose for the "delay".  

Today I had such an experience of synchronicity.  I was very aware of an energy that seemed to be creating "delays" like dropping something, or not locating an item, things that seem to be "random", but I believe are in the grand scheme of things designed to have me some place in "time" for a very specific purpose. Not just for me but for other people involved, this is NOT a planned time or purpose on my part and certainly not on the part of the other(s).

I noticed the 2 young men when they entered the cafe which I planned to visit after the Mauerpark Fleamarket in Prenzlauer Berg district this afternoon.  I already saved a seat on the sofa in the main room where a guy was sitting, but when I returned after ordering my Americano he had gone, and the 2 young men were "magically" in his place!  Now, I planned to go to the cafe but what happened for the following hour or so was quite synchronistic.  I introduced myself, them in return, one went to order the coffee and a third showed up.  I asked if they were students and what were they studying.  A very interesting, lively and philosophical conversation ensued quite naturally along a line of interest that was purposeful for us all. They are history and art majors as well as self-proclaimed Bohemians following an idealistic point of view that of the "old order" of Bohemians and after I told them the story of my journey, I too was considered to be living a Bohemian lifestyle per the taller of the young men.  They agreed the "old order" point of view is a passive one, however citing their youth, apparent intelligence, energy, and creativity, I encouraged them to consider creating a NEW ORDER of BOHEMIANS.  You can do it David, Julian and Nils... the writing's on the wall!

Richelle D. Jones...  Life Coach for 'Leading Edge Thought'           

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